Today We Leave For Italy!
1 D300 Camera with 18-200mm lens and SB-600 Flash
1 MacBook 10.5.6
1 250 GB Hard drive
1 Bag of Clothes: 3 pairs of pants, eight shirts, 1 jacket, 1 sweater
Books: Faulkner, Kaftka, D.F.W., Dean Young, Steinbeck, Henry Miller, O'Hara, Nieztche, etc.
iPod with speakers
1 Recently Completed Manuscript
1 Cell Phone
1 Passport
Some money
and like they say, We're outta Dodge.
My girlfriend and I head to NYC to visit friends and then catch a flight to London, then Zurich, then Italy. Throughout all of this, I will bring you reports of the best wine along the way. I hope to learn how to make wine the Italian way by meeting a great winemaker and working his or her winery. Meals never taste better than when you make them yourself, so why shouldn't wine?
In so doing, I hope to envelope myself in the philosophy and lifestyle of Italy. As so many travelers know, Italy provides a space to indulge in nothingness. You can watch a sunset and have it be the pinnacle of your day --- others will understand -- and so, the important things in life are put at the forefront of living. Good friends, family, food, wine, and art --- particularly poetry in the land of Dante --- are what else really matters, right?
I hope we can share these things together through this blog. If you made a great meal or drank a great bottle of wine, I want to know about it. Then, it's like we drank them together. So indulge with me, in the finer things in life.
safe travels guys!